Histria, the Istrian Historical Society Review is published annually in one volume. The journal publishes scholarly articles, surveys of the field, review articles and book reviews with topics in history and related disciplines.
Articles can be on any time period as long as their topic deals with or is relevant for the history of Istria and the neighboring regions. Histria publishes articles in Croatian, Italian, Slovenian and English. The Editorial board will accept for publication scholarly and professional contributions categorized according to prescribed and customary norms (original scientific article, preliminary communication, review, professional paper) as determined by double blind peer review. Instructions to authors are available on the journal’s web page.
Address of the Editorial Board: I. Matetića Ronjgova 1, 52100 Pula, Croatia; e-mail: histria@ipd-ssi.hr
The first issue of Histria was published in September 2011.
The Review has been accepted for indexing in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). Thomson Reuters evaluates journals in the ESCI each year for acceptance in the Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index.